Kickstarting the next baby boom

Kickstarting the next baby boom

Join us for a conversation on pro-parent policies, political challenges, and opportunities to support families in the UK, featuring Stephen Bush and Ruxandra Teslo.

This event has now passed.

Civic Future are partnering with Boom to host an event on pro-child policy.

Tuesday 8 October, 6:30-8:00, Public Hall, 1 Horse Guards Avenue, SW1A 2HU

As birth rates fall in the UK, trailblazer nations and regions are implementing or seeing the fruits of pro-parent policies. The policies emerging as effective are compatible with democratic values and aimed squarely at making parents’ and prospective parents’ lives better and easier.

With great reason for hope and action, this event will kick start a conversation about those policies and the political challenges and opportunities they might face in the UK. 

How can consensus be created to implement promising pro-child policies in the UK? How big of a challenge does our short-termist political culture pose? And as the political reality of an ageing society means politicians are incentivised to channel funds towards older age groups, can we change this dynamic?

Join us to discuss these questions and more.


Stephen Bush, Columnist and Associate Editor at the Financial Times

Ruxandra Teslo, cultural commentator, author, and PhD student in Genomics at the Sanger Institute. 

Aveek Bhattacharya, economist and Research Director at the Social Market Foundation think tank

Phoebe Arslanagić-Little, Director of Boom


Inaya Folarin Iman, journalist and Head of Events, Civic Future

Food and drink will be provided.