Education Policy 101

Led by an educational researcher and leader in professional development, you will be guided through the school and education system, including history, funding, accountability, structures, and curriculum. The day includes time for questions and discussion, and informal conversations to build closer relationships with participants from a range of backgrounds.

Places are limited to ensure quality. This course suits people in or considering roles in government, policy, or politics, but without a grounding in this core discipline of schooling and education.

A great primer on the English education system. A must for anyone interested in working in education policy.” 

This was brilliant – a whistle-stop tour of the key areas, led by experts in the field, that didn’t shy away from the policy tensions.

You are learning directly from people who have been at the heart of education policy in England.

“Informative, engaging and provocative, Civic Future’s Ed policy session should be a must for all those who are passionate about making the quality of education provision in our country world class.

Each one-day course is in-person only, held at our Public Hall office in SW1. Please register your interest and preferred date via the Google Form. We will be in touch to confirm your place.

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Education Policy 101

Are you keen to improve your understanding of education policy and the school system? Sign up for our Education Policy 101 course, designed for all those working in policy, politics, or public life.

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