20 Aug 2024
The Wrong Side of History (Substack), Ed West
“There were a number of speakers, but the headliner was Dominic Cummings, who spoke with Lord Adonis and Mirza on the subject of government. In the talk, Cummings addressed one of the most important issues facing us – why don’t we have effective people running the country?”
6 July 2024
The Ruffian (Substack), Ian Leslie
“The British system of government moves with the nimbleness of Joe Biden in the morning and trips on its own shoelaces. It is too easily outplayed and overwhelmed by vested interests, lobbyists, and activists. Its executive arms are pinned down by a dizzyingly complex web of laws and regulations, many of which exist for no good reason. There are too many agents in the system with the power to stop things happening and with no incentives to get things done. The result is that everything takes too long and costs much more than it should.”
4 July 2024
CapX, Mark Pennington
“Should the state play a larger role in the UK economy? My answer is “no” – many problems that Britain faces are down to too much government action and too much of the wrong type of government action.”
30 June 2024
Substack, Edward M. Druce
“From the conference itself… Some points from Samo Burja in the first panel were great. Those in power fail to acknowledge “inconvenient truths” (I like this phrase a lot). Fail to update on evidence (when things they’re trying prove not to work). And have an immense failure of imagination generally. In conversation afterwards, Samo encouraged vastly more experimentation on a state/regional level – which I am in ready agreement with.”
28 June 2024
Unherd, Max Mitchell,
Assistant Editor, Newsroom.
“Speaking at a Civic Future conference at Royal Holloway University, Boris Johnson’s former top adviser criticised the inefficiency at the heart of Westminster, insisting that many Conservative MPs are “fundamentally not interested in power” and long-term projects but instead are “completely absorbed in 24-hour news.”