Feeding the Future: Towards a Resilient and Secure British Food System

This event invites us to assess our understanding of food security and consider how we build a more secure and resilient food system.

This event has now passed.

What are the key challenges facing British food policy today? Food policy is under great scrutiny, from the reliability of our supply chains to the potential public health challenges of ultra-processed food to the sustainability of our farming methods.

Therefore, this event invites us to assess our understanding of food security and consider how we build a more secure and resilient food system.


Professor Timothy Lang @ProfTimLang
Professor Emeritus of Food Policy, City, University of London
Eamonn Ives @eamonnives
Head of Research, The Entrepreneurs Network


Inaya Folarin Iman, Head of Events and Engagement, Civic Future

Date: 7th August, 2023
Time: 6.30-8pm
Address: The Sekforde, 34 Sekforde St, Farringdon, London EC1R 0HA

There will be complimentary drinks upon arrival. The panel discussion will finish at 8pm, but attendees are welcome to stay longer to drink, eat and exchange ideas.